8:30 a.m. : Office opens
9:00 a.m. : School Entry
10:40 a.m. Nutrition Break
11:00 a.m.: Recess
1:00 p.m. : Nutrition Break
1:15 p.m. : Recess
3:30 p.m.: Dismissal
4:30 p.m. Office Closes
Playground Supervision
The playground is supervised from 8:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. each school morning. Students are advised not to come to school before 8:45a.m. There is no supervision after school and students who walk home are requested to go straight home after school.
Parent and Community Connections
Parents, we welcome you to be a partner in your child’s learning. We value your input and need your assistance. Here are a few ways that you can support your child: communicate with the staff if you know something is bothering your child, insist on punctuality and regular attendance, provide your child with a good breakfast, healthy snacks and lunches - please avoid sending candies and soft drinks to school, encourage the formation of good study habits and attend School Council meetings.
We are proud of our active volunteer program. Our volunteers provide a supportive service to the school staff and to our students. Our volunteers include parents, university students, senior citizens and people within our community. Volunteers enrich our students’ learning environment, and support R. E. Wilson’s efforts to build a positive partnership between the school and the community. All community volunteers with the OCDSB must have a completed criminal record check.
If you are interested in learning more about becoming a R.E. Wilson volunteer, contact your child’s teacher. If you know a community member who would like to volunteer, please ask him/her to contact the main office at (613) 745-9480.
School Code of Conduct
Our desire is to work with parents, hence we ask for parental support and cooperation in upholding the School Code of Conduct. Parents can very effectively model shared values of respect, responsibility, safety and perseverance. We ask that parents encourage and assist their child(ren) in becoming responsible citizens, and assist school staff in dealing with disciplinary issues involving their child(ren).
As a student of Robert E. Wilson, I understand the four key areas of our School Code of Conduct. When on school property, on school buses to and from school, at the bus stop and on school field trips I am expected to demonstrate the following at all times:
- Respect for myself, others and the school (be kind and polite, show care for others, keep our school and yard clean, respect the property of others).
- Responsibility & self-discipline in school work and behaviour (show a positive attitude, show initiative, be on time and prepared for class, do my class work in the expected manner, follow the teachers’ instructions).
- Safety for the physical and emotional well-being of myself and others (use positive conflict resolution strategies, use positive language, do not engage in bullying or any behavior that jeopardizes personal safety)
- Perseverance - keep working hard, don’t give up and learn from my mistakes.
Cell Phones and Other Personal Property
Students are advised not to bring valuable items to school. The school is not responsible for loss or damage to students' personal property. Personal electronic devices (“PEDs”) such as: cameras, cell phones, MP3 players, pagers, radios, portable video game units etc. are not to be used on school property, and if brought to school, should be kept in the office and picked up at home time. Parents, if you have a security concern which makes it necessary for your child to bring a cell phone to school, please contact the school office to discuss the issue and to secure permission for your child to bring a cell phone onto the premises. If the office has granted permission for a student to bring a cell phone to school, it must not be used on school property without explicit permission. If seen on school property, PEDS will be confiscated and kept in the office for safe keeping and parents will be contacted.