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Building Literacy Skills with SATE

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On January 30th, Robert E. Wilson Public School welcomed more than 50 parents and guardians for a Literacy Session presented through the OCDSB’s Student Achievement Through Equity (SATE) Inquiry. The goal of the session was to equip parents of Kindergarten and Grade 1 students with practical literacy tools that would help them in building their children’s reading, writing, and oral language skills.

The session was led by Lily Wolderufael, Community Education Liaison, and Suhana Kadoura, SATE Learning Coach, who shared helpful strategies and take-away resources. The Ottawa Public Library supported the event by donating books, speaking about the children’s programs they offer, and providing parents an opportunity to register and renew library cards.

The R.E. Wilson School Council generously funded delicious refreshments of fruits, vegetables, and samosas for the event, as well as playdoughs that were given out for families to take home.

Parents and caregivers appreciated the opportunity to learn more about what their children are learning at school. Here’s some of the feedback they shared:

“I love the handouts to support the learning.”

“[The literacy session] helped a lot; I could easily practice with my kid.”

“This session helped me to understand the skills that support my child.”

“[The session] was very helpful. I have learned a lot.”

“[The literacy session] helped so much.”

“Thanks for the resources and some ideas. Are dad jokes important to language?”

Thank you to all those who attended, and to the SATE and Robert E. Wilson staff, parent volunteers, and Ottawa Public Library representatives who collaborated to make this event possible!

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